Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bible Study Week #1 of 6

We are going to spend six weeks to take some thoughts out of Matt Redman's "The Unquenchable Worshipper." I personally am looking forward to this time of sharing and study. As we look at some of Matt Redman's thoughts and scripture that corresponds to the study be sure to utilize scripture that you find during this time. Online I personally like to use CrossWalk.com but there are others you may find useful.

One of the purposes of the book states: "The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship. And there is always more fuel for the fire. When we open the eyes of our heart, God's revelation comes flying at us from so many different angles."

In the first chapter of Ephesians Paul speaks to this church at Ephesus and specifically in his introduction in the New American Standard Version he writes "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him."
Questions: Matt Redman states this "revelation" is the fuel of our worship of God and Paul writes that God wants to give us a spirit of wisdom and "revelation." What do you think this "revelation" could be?
Your Thoughts?

1 comment:

Picks? We don't need no stinking picks! said...

Nothing makes me happier than knowing that i am singing and playing praises to my Savior. The revelation that one day i'll appear before Him and He'll say, "Wow! that was an awesome bass line you laid down on Oct. 12, 2008. i was getting into that... tappin my foot and bobbing my head..." In all honesty, sometimes i find myself wondering, "Can the congregation hear this phat lick i'm playing over all the other instruments?" then God speaks to my heart saying, "I hear you Brad, that's all that matters." to have the privilige to play songs for God is amazing knowing that He will be eternally greatful. So, this is the revelation i've arrived at... What more could you ask for than to please God with your praises? He will praise with you in Heaven for all eternity out of thankfullness. in jerry's words... "WOW!"