Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Worship Confessional - The Well

Wiley Wood - is fairly new to leading out in Worship. He is in his second year as the Worship Leader for The Well (one of our worship services here at Southside.) Wiley is passionate and talented on multiple instruments. He tends to lead from an acoustic guitar and the band is made up of; two electric guitars, keyboard, drum-set, acoustic guitar and 2-4 vocalists. The Worship Center lights are usually down with a great deal of coffee all over the place. Here is their set from this past Sunday with Wiley's thoughts.

"Trust in You" by Jeremy Camp
This song is one that can meet anybody wherever they are. I know sometimes we forget that no matter what God is right there ready to help us in every situation of life. To me it’s a message back to God acknowledging his presence and his faithfulness to us. On top of all of that it’s a JAM!
"Better Is One Day"
Really this one is not one of my favorites, but still has a good message. Sometimes its hard to find songs and that was really my reasoning behind this one. Its funny though when you pick out a song just to fill a gap God can speak to you through it.
"God With Us" by Mercy Me
Ok….This one is my all time favorite at this moment. Every time we do this song I am so excited! The message and the words to this song are amazing. The thing is this takes the way I feel about worship and put it to words in a song. It just a song of expression and love to God. Love it!
All that is within me cries
To You alone be glorified
God with us

"Hosanna" by Hillsong United
I think this song could get anyone excited about worship. Another very well written song and a very powerful sound as well. Alicia does a great job with this one. It gets me excited about the return of Christ and awesome that is to think about.
"God Of This City" by Passion Band
I have fallen for this song lately especially leading up to the 40 days study because I think it falls in line with it. That was the reason I have waited this long to do it. I was waiting for the first week of the study.
"Start A Fire" by Among Thorns
Thought this song is slow and mellow the message is clear. It’s a prayer to God asking him to start something inside of myself that I can share with others. I first heard this song at youth camp when I was in high school. It ministers to me know just as it did then. I hope it does this same for the people who come to our service. I thought it was very appropriate when talking about reaching out to a community that so desperately needs Christ. It only can happen if it starts in our own lives.

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